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  • It's funny you seem to be planning when you will be back to Spoofee around your surgery!!! A TRUE Spoofette!!!
    have a good day. :wave:
    That a cute experiment post, sun!:) Tried to rep you on it but I couldn't.:cry:
    Best of luck this weekend and I wish you a speedy recovery! Apple :loving:
    Good plan. Just don't tell a mod. :lol: :tongue:

    :shhh: BTW, they're hugs to you and me. :shhh:
    no hospital. some house on the outskirts of town. :pound: NOT! :rofl: What's wrong with me? :lol: No, I go to an outpatient center in Chapel Hill - about 4 hours away. Will get there early Sunday, so hubby and I can stroll around. We both went to college there, so like a mini-vacation. NOT! :rofl: A shuttle comes to pick me up around 6:30 am Monday and my surgery will be sometime that day (won't know til I get there). Will be staying at a nearby hotel that all of there patients stay at Monday night...and a nurse will followup with me Tuesday by 10 am. I'll be good to come home by Tuesday at noon (I HOPE!!). I figure atleast some mighty good hospitals are nearby if something goes wrong! :prey: My parents will have the kiddos...so my kids are like "When are you leaving? Aren't you supposed to be gone by now?" :teeth:
    :prey: I hope Monday goes well, will you have to stay in the hospital :nurse: very long?

    :laugh: How are you feeling my little flying bubble gum wad:questionmark:

    stick this bubblegum where the pink sun don't shine!!

    I don't know how the h3ll I missed looking at your photo album! :doh: Your kids are BEAUTIFUL! :loving: I would spoil them rotten right long with my kids! :lol:
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: By the way, I :heart: pecan pie! When are you making it again and I'll be right over? :lol: :hungry:
    Your Doctor might be able to excuse you :yesnod:

    I did my time on Jury duty already, no thanks :nonod:

    :listen: If you didn't register to vote, I don't think they would have picked you :idea:
    Impressive. So how was the pizza?

    :shhh: I believe you could have done both orders. :tongue:
    That must be it. :suspicious: :lol: If you're nice you can just schedule delivery for tomorrow. :wink: If you're not nice, your first plan sounds great, but who's going to hide the box? :tongue:
    The $1.75 was my delivery charge. That is cheap :tongue:, but you better decide before Papa John's catches on everywhere.
    :rofl: :rofl: i could shake your lightsaber... handshake sounds mundane after seeing those cookies.
    "Yoda Friday Lightsaber Trickster Hugs. :rofl:"
    ok lady, i saw those sabers...you have been hanging with that butterfly too much...and no one could give a hug wiht that excited "lightsaber" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:
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