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  • whew! and I thought you're gonna chase the coke bottle.....I am relieved (just about now............yes, ok)
    What I like about it is the 3 Amigos reaction to it. Plus it gives me a chance to get on the cool rides like Splash Mountain, Everest etc.

    FYI I don't have stock in them. :tongue:
    :noidea: I wonder how you found me :listen: I bet it was madonna :doh:
    hi, the things i have so far are the got2b smooth operator lustre lotion, kim vo moisturizing masque, and the max factor lip stick, (that red color), none of it has been used, except i did try the lipstick with an applicator and just too red for me. let me know if it any of it interests you and i will look for whatever else i have too
    hi, i was just wondering if you still have the opi polishes and the Harajuku Lovers Fragrance. i am very interested and just wondering what you would like or are interested in. I will round up a list of what i have and just let me know please if your items are available.
    yeah, i'm interested in the bliss i think you said you only have two, take a look at my list and see if there is anything interesting.
    Hi. It's funny that you should ask where I was, being that you were on my page and the New England Patriot's are all over it!!! I am in MA and it was a HOT one today. May get down to 76 tonight and then we do it all over again tomorrow. But that is what summer is all about, right?
    Hope all goes well with what is ailing you and you get some results soon. The way you put it, Lymes' does sound the easiest to manage, but let's hope it isn't any of those choices and something a lot less complex and manageable! :)
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