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  • WOW dbee LOL that is a really really a belated happy birthday!! Thank you all the same though, think you have da wrong person :doh::rofl:
    Thanks so much for the kind words on my "User CP" page! And I thought I was just being verbose! LOL
    Spent the holiday home alone with my miss mollie dog. Hubby went to the lake with his family but between my back (still not able to sleep in a bed) and my leg being infected, I was able to avoid the annual family drunken get together. I'm bad I know but when you don't drink having 7 sloppy drunks around is nothing but annoying, not to mention so thankful that unlike his family my husband seldom drinks but omg when he gets together with them ewwww! I needed the rest anyway. I'm still managing to eat my lemons but :rofl:very carefully after all whats a little sting in exchange for lemon goodness..ok big ouchies at times!
    :rofl: :rofl: I feel so bad for you, I can't imagine having to endure pain while eating our beloved lemons! LOL I hope your lip heals soon. :hug: Did u have a nice holiday? :) I had a great one and haven't been on Spoofee these past few days and I have a lot to catch up on! :34:
    Thank you so very much! I already feel very blessed having found this site I don't really send for very many freebies anymore but really enjoy the sweepstakes like allure and finding out what everyone won, and the games like this or that! What a bunch of characters this site has, you all keep it very interesting and fun! Healing up seems to be an extremely long process with my back but its getting there. My leg has finally gone down some with the swelling and the huge lump on my shin where I hit it he was going to lance but it developed a blister and started draining on its own when that popped...whew didn't sound fun. Looks like it is going to be ok, LOL now if I could just quit falling head over heels (should at least be a gorgeous hunk around when u do that). Thanks for all the positive vibes and caring!
    I'm thinking of you today - hoping that you are blessed with healing and recovery. Know that your friends are thinking and sending extra positive vibes your way!
    You are such a sweetheart, thanks so much for the wonderful message you left in the rep you gave me. :kiss: :hug: ...and remember, always keep up with the lemon supply so that you never run out! LOL ;)
    :rofl: I put it in my Cherry Pepsi, it doesn't taste right without the lemons! :doh: We are so much alike! LOL :shakehands: :like:
    your very welcome more then deserved dbee! LOL Joyce I just begged my husband to stop at the store and get me some lemons tomorrow on the way home from daily coke just doesn't taste right without the lemon in it!
    OMG! I thought I was the only one! :doh: I just read your post about eating lemons and I do the same thing! LOL I am so addicted to them! :rofl: Also, I put them in almost all my drinks and eat them after as well! LOL I knew I liked you! :like:
    Hey Stardreamer, I hope that you are adjusting to your bed rest. Thanks for not making your scrabble work to "difficult" :rofl:
    LOL I'll try to make them easier. I'm so glad I subscribed to scrabble and this or that threads yesterday! LOL gives me something to look forward to in the email when I check it. Since joining spoofee's my email has gotten totally out of hand so :rofl: I have to check it several times a day or I end up swamped!
    Thank you Joyce! I hope and pray my message saves even one person what I'm going through right now with my back. Oh and lol drink you Milk! I actually love milk but avoid it because it makes my nose all stuffy (lol is stuffy a word?). Wishing I'd gone for the stuffed up nose lol it beats a broken back!
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