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  • :ohwell:Thanks for the update. Dang-I wish that you didn't have so much drama and pain. That sucks:verysad:No matter always remain sweet!:claps:
    You're welcome, Star! :kiss: I'm glad u are all sent up with the laptop! :marshmallow: Have a great time and win lots of :wof: :) :hug:
    It's not silly that u are a great mom and was just worried about your babies. :hug: I completely understand! We moms just can't help ourselves! :28: LOL It looks like our prayers were answered and everything is going to be okay! :) Don't worry anymore, it's going to be fine. :kiss:
    I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, star. :kiss: You and the kids are in my prayers. :hug: I hope the storm passes u all by and things get back to normal quickly. I'm a mom, too and I know that u're very worried about your kids. :( Please keep in touch with me so that I can know that u are all alright. :hug:
    I'm sorry to hear about Chewie :(. What a cute name. The pet that I offered was just a joke. I keep caging groundhogs that are invading my yard. That sucks about you getting hit by all the hurricanes. :creep: I hope that you are feeling alright :)
    Hi, Star! :hug: I'm glad everything is well on your end. :marshmallow: I hope to catch u on soon. Love ya! :kiss:
    Hey Star! :kiss: Thanks for the birthday wishes! :hug: I am praying that all is well with the kids and you. I will always have u in prayers, message me when u get back on. :kiss:
    Hi, Star. I was just on Joyce's page to leave her a note and I read one you left for her. If you or any of your family are right now affected by the hurricane, I shall keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck to you. :)
    You are going to have a lot of fun traveling around visiting family & friends! :) I know that you will be able to find a deal in their neck of the woods for a good rate! :bigok: I have my fingers crossed. :luck: I am going to miss you, please hurry back. :hug: :kiss:
    Hey Star! :hug: Good luck on the laptop mission! LOL You aren't logged on, so I hope 2 see you on soon! :kiss: Enjoy having your feet up and relax! :hug:
    Anytime fellow dog lover! I was going to mention but didn't want to overkill the advice, but you said she might freak out if you leave her there. I've often had them do her nails while I was there so I could help keep her calm. Like I said I only stopped after one incident and should just find someplace else. It's about $10 where we live and it's so much quicker and painless than when I try to do it. She sits for Dad, but not for me. Good luck!
    Hi, stardreamer! :rofl: You do the same thing I do! It's nice to have someone that understands my addiction! LOL Hey! I think I'll plant a lemon tree as well! ;) Dbee is a good gardener, maybe she can give us some tips! :rofl:
    I swear all of you on here are just awesome! No matter what is going on in my life you always make me laugh and feel good. I might not always respond or jump into a game but I am lurking about to see what everyone is up to! This is my happy place to go, thank you all!
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