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  • Hey Star! :) I had a great Christmas! I'm glad you're kids were there with you, I know how you worry about them. :hugs: Have a great New Year! :) ..and don't drink too much! :lol:
    :hug: You could never disappoint me :). Have you ever been to Mackinac (the city )that Somewhere in time was filmed? :music: I also loved the music from the movie. :wave:
    Hi! I didn't get the XBox Party, my invites are getting far and few between with them now! My girlfriend is getting chosen far more often than me (and I was chosen 12 times in a row earlier this year!) Oh well, she gets all the stuff and has a party at her work but gives me a goody bag, too! My husband is pleased since it's less intrusion on his "couch time" with the house filled from parties!!! I won the Macy's card from Glamspotters. My big win last week was the 5 night luxury villa vacation in Mexico through Mom Central!!! I just have to raise the $$$ for our plan tickets. The villa is on the beach off the Sea of Cortez in Los Cabos Mexico. I've never been out of the US, so we all need passports. My bestfriend and her family are traveling to meet us for the vacation together. It's gonna be amazing....
    Hope you are feeling better. I saw that you've been sick. Hang in there baby!!! LOL
    :secret: I do know, it's nice to finally get a response to that statement :rofl:
    :rant: don't you go and start up trouble....................:star:. My mama didn't raise no fool :claps: :hail: come on, catch up :)
    Hi, hows it going? hows was halloween? how are you doing?? btw, thank you for the rep, and i'm sure you'll you've won some of the allure giveaways its just a matter of them sending them, well at least thats what i tell myself LOL. how you are doing well have a great rest of the weekend, ttyl.
    Can't live without my coffee otherwise,they would throw me in some cage, lock me up, and, throw away the key! Actually, I go on these "chocolate binges" where I eat up candy like a plague of locusts!! Then, I leave it alone for months on ened. Forget the lock I will use a bobby pin and pick it open! LOL LOL LOL
    I am going to come over and check OUT that freezer! LOL LOL Right now, I am perking chocolate flavored coffee yuuuummmmy!
    Okay, pass over that huge hershey bar in your freezer I know you still have it in there! Have a good day! Rags and Jeb
    LOL You are so funny! Did you ever get some pizza? What is this thing you called "sex"? I am unfamiliar w/
    thanks for the answer and the pointsandprizes points question. I sometimes can't get logged in and couldn't get logged in to the site until this morning to thank you for your reply. Do you ever have trouble logging in to the pointsandprizes site?
    :sleep:Wake up stardreamer!:claps:Nothing new going on here, how are you feeling? :eek: points & prizes need you, don't sleep too long. LOL
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