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  • I had to go and get my 8 year old (Devin) from school, he threw up, but he looks fine to me! LOL It's funny how the school called just before school was about to let out for the day! :doh:
    Just wanted to stop in and say HELLOOOOO! :) Sorry I haven't been around much...I ended up catching the crud, so I was pretty miserable for awhile. :( Hope you're doing well! I've missed my fellow nuts!! :hug: :slug: :marshmallow: :alien: :flowers:
    Hi, Foxy! :hug: I missed you, too, but we are finally on at the same time! ;) I can't believe my little man is 9 months old today! :woot: Give him a big :hug: & :kiss: from Aunt Joyce! :proud:
    Hi! How are you feeling? Last time you checked in you were still sick. Me and the fam have been battling the allergies here too - even the baby! Poor little thing makes the funniest faces when I clean his nose out with the aspirator.
    Hey there! :wave: Just wanted to let you know that i got my box today!! :woot: Thanks so much for being so generous!! I love the items! Anytime you want to do it again, just let me know!! :hug:

    Maybe I will see you on-line later tonight! :playingball:
    Hey! :) Everything has settled down here, we had some storms and a tornado warning earlier. All is well now, thank goodness! :woot: :hug:
    Sorry I didn't get your message sooner, I just got out of the shower. by the way-last night I highlighted my hair and thought of you! :)
    Foxy!! Hope you're keeping warm in your part of NY. we have frost here!! Take care and keep warm
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