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  • Hi Foxy!! Yahoo, it's the week end!!! My daughter's taking me to a tea room for Mother's Day. She was in Fl on the real day. Should be fun. Hope you have a good week end. It's cold here today!!!
    And on THAT note...it's :sleep: time. :teeth: Have a GREAT night, my fellow nutty one! :slug: :rofl: Remember to use your :marshmallow: with caution! :bigok:
    Yay!! And I wear the sparkly tiara with pride!! Well, it's not really sparkly...it's more like the paper ones you get from Burger King. :woot: I colored it with blunt-tipped magenta crayons and sprinkled it with confetti, though! :proud:
    It's a fun game site, especially if you're a paid member. You can create your own "person" with the tokens you win and stuff. Hubby just over-analyzes the whole Spades game, darnit! :rofl:
    If you belong to Club Pogo, then yeah. You can win all sorts of stuff. I don't think you win anything by being a free member. My mom is a paid member, I'm a complete freebie. :bigok: It CAN be fun, but dang, my hubby is fanatical when it comes to Spades. :doh:
    My People sub is paid, I wish it were free! :teeth: I used to buy them all the time and said what the hell, I might as well subscribe! LOL I have something to tell you, I am getting ready to send a pm. :bigok:
    :rofl: :rofl: You are always on Spoofee overdrive! :help: I received People, Good Housekeeping, Parenting & Elle Decor. :bigok:
    I'm okay! :hug: Just relaxing and reading all of the mags I received in the mail today! LOL ..and it was a lot! ;) I missed you, too, but I knew you would be right here waiting when I logged on! :kiss:
    Ooh, I think I just missed you!! You know that One2One Network thing? I think I just got something (hopefully!) that will make it A-MAZING! :dancing: Remember that SATC HP we were dreaming about? :proud:
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