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  • :cocktail: you had some drinks :eek: Yeah baby, let loose. That cracks me up that you are still paying for it. Honey-you can't make up for that much time of being sober in one night:doh: I'm thrilled to have you back, I will look forward to talking to you on and off or later. :kiss: my Lucy.....:o
    Foxy, you are going to get it! :rant: Where are you? :cussing: J/K I miss you and can't wait to speak with you. :) I wasn't kidding when I said that you are going to get it though! LOL :tongue:
    Good morning Foxy. We have frost on the pumpkin this morning!! Today is Hubby's bday so time to Partay!! Have a good day
    LUCY, where are you:questionmark::questionmark::questionmark::questionmark::questionmark::questionmark::questionmark::questionmark:
    Just wanted to stop by and say Hi! :wave: I hope you have an amazingly fun Memorial Day!! Got any plans?? :cocktail: :hungry:

    Talk to u soon! :blah: :tongue:
    Yay!! Now almost everybody around here is friends with each other!!:hug: Because I just sent out friend requests a lot of people. Just wanted to let you know!!! On that topic i posted a ton of freebies, one of them turned out to be a scam which was already deleted, you should check them out.LOL
    I am sorry you are suffering with the allergies, but I know what you are going thru. I am like the poster child for allergies. I have them everyday, all year long and when the spring and fall come, I am flu like. :hug: for you and your family. Feel better soon!
    Hey Foxy, I noticed your mood is BLAH today. Are you still sick or sick again? Hope you're better for the holiday weekend.
    LUCY! :like: I missed you again :jaw: I can't wait to cross paths with you again :34:Dang :typing: I try to play the games :noidea: and can't find you :60: PLease come back :ohwell:
    He is just fine, sitting down with a bag of chips watching cartoons! :rofl: I think the school and I both have been tricked! :ignore: :alien: LOL
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