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  • :drool5: I know why you love your room :teeth: Who wouldn't :faint:

    You are such a pretty Girl (lady sounds so....old).

    :behindsofa: Better to keep your clothes on :vroam: That way you don't have to run away all the time.
    I sent you a :listen:PM

    I figured that you lived at home, I didn't think your BF did though. So much for walking around in your underwear :rofl:

    Enjoy rent-free life while you can :teeth: it sounds like your parents are pretty open minded and so are his.....so it's not that bad. :wink:
    Hi sweetie, I am doing just fine. Are you enjoying your traveling. Is it cold in NJ?
    We moved into a house together almost 8 1/2 years ago......I don't know about marriage...:wink: I'm way too young. I would rather wait till I'm about :idea: 60. I no longer will have kids, the cut off date I made is over, so I'm in no hurry to get married.

    Every night is special here :rofl:

    Did I tell you I'm going to NJ in March? Summit NJ. Does your BF ever stay with you or are you still at home? :yikes: That's a lot of work for you to travel there all the time.
    :blushing: I haven't been to the movies in so long :noidea:
    Before my Bf and I moved into a house together we would go to movies stay at home and watch movies. Now we don't do either. When we lived apart, I would get a movie that I thought he would like that would scare the crap out of me :yikes:
    Now I watch my drama or romance and he watches whatever he wants...we just don't do it together. Enjoy those times together :hugs: they really are special :smiley:

    :doh: I don't know why I confused NY and NJ :faint: sorry :wink:
    This weekend is too soon. I promise I will definitely come. I would love to meet some of meet some of my spoofee friends
    Not sure yet about this weekend, I work on Saturday's and my BF likes to do everything spur of the moment. How about you....:idea: Are you going to ..:noidea: New York :questionmark:
    Hi sweetie, I wished you could send some of that 50 degree weather to Chicago. The freezing rain melted. Now Chicago has rain . :rant::cry::argh:
    Hi sweetie!! I am trying to relax alittle. My work schedule is changing again. I have to pick my new schedule Sunday at 8am. I spoke too soon about the weather, Chicago is getting freezing rain tonight.:rant::cry::sad::nonod:
    :star: Awe to be young again :smiley: Enjoy it while it lasts :teeth:

    I still feel young, but the mirror is a pretty good reality check :creep:
    hi sweetie! Chicago is experiencing some warm weather finally, We had 40' degree weather. I pick so many people up on my route today. Alot of wheelchairs and baby strollers. Anyway could wait to finish up at 1:30pm (afternoon of course). I' m just relaxing and getting somethings done I could not do earlier.
    4 months :smiley: It's all so nice and romantic :flowers: I've been with my BF for over 12 1/2 years, those were some of the best days.....:idea:

    :pound: You must have a lot of hair :rofl:
    Hi..nice to hear from ya :) not alot going on just watching the Mythbusters marathon, and seeing whats going on in spoofeeville.Waiting to see if round 2 of the windstorm comes thru here tonite.How about yourself???Anything fun going on??:dontknow:
    I'm glad you had fun at BF's. How far away are you guys living from eachother? Are you thinking about merging yet? :noidea:

    I think we got to the low 30's today, not so bad. No snow no wind a little sun....:yesnod: not bad at all.
    I sweetie, :listen: we haven't chatted in awhile wanted to say hi! :wavey:
    I hope everything is well with you. I :hugs: you today!!!

    :faint: Doing good, not to much going on. Work is busy and that's a plus $$$$$

    How have you been?
    :attention: I like this guy :smiley:

    I'm getting old so give me a little extra time to get to you :egg:
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