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  • Oh you are good I can not stay up past 8pm. I am a day person up early. Are you still going to school?
    I have to be at work at 5am. I usually get up around 3am. I finish work around 3pm .
    Happy New year.
    Hey girlie, Just getting ready to turn in. I have to get up at 3 am!!!
    Actually I hang out with friends and family. We bring in the new year with a bang!!!!
    Thank you for asking i had a wonderful Christmas. I hope yours was well?
    What do you have plan for the new year eve?
    Merry Christmas

    :cheers::santaclaus::kiss: Merry Christmas! thanks for all the hugs! all the best to you and your family!
    I need to color n cut my hair, give myself a manicure and pedicure ....then I will think about packing :faint: Hopefully all will be done by New Years day :noidea: or it's too late.

    :santaclaus: I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas :smiley:
    :pound: Not only have I not packed, I haven't even tried on clothes to see what I might need :scared:
    Yes, I will. It is raining mixed with snow. It is suppose to freeze over night. :rant:
    crazy busy at work. done shopping and cleaning. just have to cook and eat and open now. :) :)
    Hi lady bug, Chicago has gotten 3 inches of snow and still climding. I have to drive in it everyday. I hope its not too bad in NYC.
    we had about 18-20 inches in seaford. thank god we have a snow blower and could dig out. my sister-in-law in holbrook had 28 inches
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