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  • :pound: Not even close to ready for the trip :sad:

    Are you guys coming with us:questionmark:
    Hi, lady. Sorry you got attacked by a major snow storm . I heard in the news Macy was closed. People were only able to shop on line. I glad you didn't fall and hurt yourself. Try to stay warm.
    Hi,sounds like you had a full weekend and hope your shopping is all "wrapped up"lol
    nope have not seen avatar,i kinda let the hype die down before i go.My weekend was pretty quiet,just goofed off.hope ya didn't get too buried with all that:smow:just rained here as usual:)have fun out there:thumb:
    :nonod: It's not a weekend, it's 8 days :faint:

    :cheers: You will never have time to get your moneys worth in just a weekend :beercheer:
    Good Luck to you and your bf shopping,Now I go to the mall just to watch all the people.You also have a Great Weekend and enjoy the Holidays.:)
    :smiley: Apple wants to come :marchmellow:

    You and your BF could join us :yesnod:

    Good luck out there finishing up your shopping,I'll rub it in and tell ya I'm done (unless one of my nieces adds on),and please don't ever let anyone spoil your LOVE for Christmas :) its an awesome time of the year:thumb:also, if you don't mind, what is the meaning of kuxoanjl?? Always thought is was cool, just curious:) :santaclaus:
    I'm glad that stalking you with :hugs: is giving you a boost to :hugs: I usually stop in to :hugs: and then stay about 5 minutes and then leave.
    :yesnod: It seems to get harder and harder to find time to be here.
    Yes, I'm going to :plane:Cozumel with my BF. It should be warm and fun. :teeth: We have another couple going with us also, so that should be interesting. :noidea:
    8 days of :cocktail:
    Seattle is quite pretty,they do a good job decorating, I love lights,and to the west of town you have the Olympic mountains and to the east you have the Cascade mountains both snow capped, awesome I love being surrounded by them.Getting snow here is a crapshoot, not holding my breath. Are you all ready for Christmas??
    Hello,hope your day wasn't too long :) As for tv shows, too many to bore you with I'll say I like Versus,Discover, Travel,Food,Retro stations to name a couple. Hows the Big Apple this time of year??
    Hey there :yo: Good to hear from you :teeth:

    I've been doing well, thanks. How are you doing? I don't see you around the :hugs: game very often, so you've left me no choice but to hunt you down :rofl:

    :santaclaus: Happy Holidays to you :smiley:
    I have not decided yet definitely some place warm. Congrats on your reps. Tazman just pushed you up!!!!
    no, I afraid I have not been to NYC. I haven't traveled in a while i do plan to put back on my traveling shoes, quite soon.
    Welcome to 10 MILLION PLUS, didnt win by much tho, just kicking back watching Dirty Jobs,hope your having a nice evening :) :thumb: :ciao:
    I'm doing okay, just too busy to play here as much as I want to.
    Thanks for the friend request, I just accepted. We contest addicts need to stick together. lol
    I just wanted to drop in and give you a ***hug***. They won't let me rep you so thought I'd just come in here to say Hi. :)
    chicago is cold today. Only reached 20 degrees . Also as usual, its windy. Its not called the windy city for nothing. Thank you for inviting me to be your friend. I did except. i hope we will chat more.
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