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  • :wavey::yo:Hi sweetie, I hope you are doing well. Chicago got more snow about 6 inches.
    I don't think anyone likes the new set up here :motz:

    Did my BF do anything special :rofl: Yeah, he went away for the weekend and came home around 7:30 pm :thefinger:

    I'm still waiting :viking:
    :unsure: I'm doing great, thanks. Where the heck have you been:questionmark:Did you and your BF :heart: have a nice Valentines Day:questionmark:
    hi sweetie, I took a little break. I thought I would be gone permanently but that is not the case. I have delected you as my friend. Please for give me I hope we can be friends again.

    Hi sweetie I am sorry your team didn't win. I am really not a die hard football fan but, I did root for the Saints!!! :) Sorry:yesnod:
    :argue: I don't think things will stay like this :faint: At least I hope not :nonod:

    :rant: Why the heck do they keep changing things around here:questionmark:

    This place is stressing me out :cry:
    That's like when my BF goes away for a few days, I LOVE IT, but miss him. Then I get so excited when he gets home:marchmellow:.....then he watches t.v.on the couch and I go upstairs on the :pcguru:. :noidea:
    :nonod: When you see someone everyday, it's not as special :yesnod:

    But it's nice :teeth:
    Work was slow, so I'm home now :sad:

    :cry: I want a big one :cry:

    How was your day :smiley:?
    :nono: don't pressure your BF too much :whip:


    I just want you to know :nonod: I don't look good in small stones :yesnod:
    :smiley: My Bf used to give me flowers for different holidays and I said to :hand:

    :flowers: die and since I enjoy gardening, I would rather have something that has roots (not my hair)

    So for our anniversary that is in June, he always buys me some perennials that are blooming. For our 5 year anniversary he bought me a Japanese Maple and then on our 10th anniversary he got me a weeping Cherry tree.

    Those kind of gifts make me happy :teeth: He actually went out and picked them out himself........then he dug the holes where I wanted them. :faint:

    Sounds really corny, but it meant a lot, and we can watch them grow in the yard together :wink:

    A 3 carat princess wouldn't be so bad either :drool5:
    :rofl: You are in rare form today :pound: You're killing me :rapture:

    Does he bring you flowers all the time?:flute:

    Yea, it Snowed here today and yesterday. It is extremely cold and windy.
    I have tons of pictures on my computer, but I don't usually use sites to share them. I think I opened my account originally because "callmecrazybutt" talked me into it.
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