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  • :clap: Good job working on all those names :teeth:

    My BF's family is small and in all these years never have I met a cousin or Aunt or Uncle. I don't think he even knows them.

    My family is close and big. He still has trouble remembering some of the names :rofl:

    The only time we all get together is really Thanksgiving. We usually have at least 52 :pound: I'm sure glad they are easy names for me :blushing:
    :teeth: It's nice to have a big family :nonod: but it's hard when you're the outsider. :sad:

    Can you remember all the names:questionmark:

    Have a fun weekend and enjoy the weather :smiley:

    :cheers2: Let me know your score :rofl:
    :nonod:Hi sweetie no!!!! Never can I forget about you!!! I am in The process of moving. :hurray::vroam: I have been getting things in order. Please forgive me for not chatting. :sorry::hugs: I hope you are doing well, Chicago got 75 degree weather today!! :cheer2::woot: I hope you are getting warm weather!!!:)
    :sad: I do have plans this weekend, I have 1098 pavers to lay out in the yard :faint:

    This Sunday (Easter) I'm spending the day with my BF's family :argh:

    :bounce: roll on GF :teeth:
    :high5: That's incredible 121 :cheer2: I am proud of you :first:

    I'm glad you had a nice weekend :teeth:
    I had a good time at the bar :cocktail:I was the DD :sad:
    :idea: I would rather be the :driver: than have to sleep at someone else's house :yesnod:
    The timing like you said was perfect weather wise :marchmellow:

    You've never heard the word "Beau" before :questionmark: :rofl:

    :blushing: I guess it shows my age :listen: 73 :faint:

    My Beau and I are doing fine :noidea:
    He's at a Bachelor party tonight (at a casino) and tomorrow night we are going to a birthday party at a bar :dance:
    I was in NJ and NY over the weekend. :teeth: The weather was wonderful. :marchmellow:

    It's cold here in MI, I wish I could have brought the weather back with me.

    I hope you and your Beau are doing well :hugs:
    :teeth: Have a lovely day today and fun in the park :smiley:

    :wave: 68 today :marchmellow:
    Hi sweetie, Its a whopping 60 degrees here in Chicago!!! :rockon::wave::wavey:
    My day is going alright, its a sunny afternoon and iI am kicking back watching some tube, and of course gonna have some corned beef and cabbage for dinner tonight. You gonna go have some fun tonight???:clover:
    So you got a ton of rain too??? I have a backyard that looks like a lake right now. It would be pretty if I didn't know otherwise! Have a good, DRY day! Apple :wavey:
    This morning we are in the 20's :smow:

    Today should get to the 60's :teeth:

    Sorry to hear about your feet :faint2:
    It sounds like you have my Seattle weather for sure..its windy and rainy here but suppossed to get nice towards the weekend, they are talking in the 60,s
    Cant wait:):whoo:
    Hi, thanks for stopping by, its been a bad week,we'll just say ole bird got knocked down, but hes back up again and just kicking back and healing up :)
    otherwise all is well and hope the same for you and yours:hugs:
    :wave: I had a nice weekend .......had a St.Patricks day party to go to :party:

    Sorry you had tons of rain....indoors can be fun :wink:

    I have all my clothes together :sad: I can hardly walk in any of the shoes that I'm taking. :crutch:

    Did I ever ask you :noidea: Are you on Facebook:questionmark:
    I am:sad: sorry you weekend did not go well. It is warming up a little we get peeks of sun every once in a while. My weekend was good. i got some needed rest.I went out with friends Friday thats about it. My weekend is a little more busy this weekend.:boogy:
    :tape: I can't tell you what happened when I tried on all the clothes :cry:

    All I could think was :argh:
    My day was not too bad. I am only working 4 days this week. I am glad I get a little break. Hope you have fun.:):boogy::yesnod:
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