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  • i live close to long island in New York and he lives in Edison in New Jersey...2hr train ride and about 1 1/2hrs driving...not counting traffic *sigh* nahhh we just started its been a little over 4months now :loving: I guess we'll have to see how things goes...

    thats good! i like snow and all but when it causes problems and stuff i dont like it...and wind! wow i dont like it AT ALL! :lol: my hair gets blown everywhere :cry:
    :wave::hello::gossip:We haven't chatted since your birthday celebration. Ilike your pictures too funny!!! :laugh:
    $$$ is :dance:

    i just came back from NJ... was staying over at my bf's house the entire weekend from Friday...soooo tired! at least the weather warmed up just a bit over sat and sun...hows the weather over there?
    It was one gruff day! I survived :faint: I have to :bath: and leave in 20 minutes for work. My boss called yesterday, she offered me 4 extra hours at double pay to come in cuz I was out sick with no pay all of last week :sad:
    Was there ever any doubt??? A freakin', old, bearded goat..with shoes!!!!! :rofl: You got it right on the money, honey! :)
    I will try to figure that out next:) Thanks:whoo: I had a comment on the goat/sheep, but better not get myself in trouble:thumb:
    Today is not my day :faint: I was sick during the night and woke up tired with a killer headache. Landon aggrevated me when he threw his bowl of Cheerios on the floor so I made hubby make breakfast! Oh yeah, pms :thefinger:
    I just saw it and was about to come over here to make a comment, but you beat me to it. Funny as heck!!! :rofl:
    Thank you :) got hung up my buddies daughter got a new pup and wanted to show it off part chiwawa? part s*&tzu 1 1/2 pounds right now very cute
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