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  • lol! spur of the moment that can be a good thing SOMETIMES lol because you will always have to be ready for whatever he comes up with!

    aww... I live in NY so yea... I'm heading on over to NJ later tonight...dropping by the city later in 3hrs probably hang out there and gonna watch LEGION this weekend! YAY! although i'm gonna be scared but my bf loves it and he specially loves it when i jump out of my seat...:sad: so mean :cry: LOL but its all good.

    Have u seen any good movies lately?
    That means that the overnight girl now works on the afternoon shift and the overnight shift needs someone to work 2 nights a week. When I left overnights I told my boss that I would fill-in for vacations, sick days etc. Well here it is 15 months later and my boss wants me to fill-in until the position gets filled :faint: which cold take forever :tomato: :beatdeadhorse5:
    I just got the most wonderful news at work today... I am now working 3 days and 2 overnights a week til further notice :thefinger:
    Hi Dbee, I am doing good my work schedule is about to change again. I won't know my new schedule until sunday morning. Chicago just had freeezing rain yesterday. Today it rained all day. I was so sleepy. it is hard to drive a bus and be sleepy at the same time.I am looking forward to having some down time this weekend. I hope it doesn't go by fast. How is everything in Michigan? Do you have to work this weekend?
    Thanks for bumping me over 20 million... and a little bit more on top of that! Your hugs are very very big now dbee.
    It was so relaxing. I wish I could live in the sauna forever. lol Although I'd melt away so I guess it's not such a good idea. :)
    i'm sure you are doing great when it comes to keeping those wrinkles or age-telling stuff away!
    I don't want to get us in any trouble, I just think some people need to lighten up a little:),but I will watch my step.
    yup its still sweet and stuff right now... wow 12 1/2 years.. CONGRATS!

    hehe... im still young :) so im enjoying the dating and whatnot right now...not rushing into anything...
    speaking of hoods
    ..and probably not iced and as cold as they should be. I know, I have travelled enough. Doesn't mean I still don't want some! :)
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