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  • I was going to rep you, but I can't. :(
    In case you were serious....I just go to photobucket and it makes the code for me. I LOVE Photobucket.
    Hey cutie! :) I must have just missed you! :verysad: I just sent u a loooong email! LOL So I hope it makes up for the time we have missed each other here. :) See ya tomorrow. :kiss2:
    Thanks!I got an email from Spoofee w/the link, but I didn't have a chance to go anywhere today. My 2 boys and I are away from home for the summer. My husband will be here on Friday for a week..we'll celebrate then. My treat to myself today was Del Taco Tuesday Tacos (3 for $1.09) We don't have Del Taco where I live so we've been going every Tues. Today I let myself eat 6!..and I may have some ice cream when the boys fall asleep! :)
    Ha. I'm such a cluts. All is going good. Thank you for checking in on me. How are you doing my dear? Good as ever I hope. What do you think of this weather? I can't seem to sit still, or get anything IN the house done because my 2 year old always wants to be OUTSIDE...however the flowers and grass looks wonderful. :)
    Yeah...let's chill and think some more, come up with a fool proof plan. She'll never know what hit her. lol
    Kadin says "thank you!"
    Ok...let's sync our watches......:clock:......."check"..........I am wearing a disguise....:spy:........"check".......ok I am hopping into the car....:driver:......wait a second! :doh: I cant drive a stick!!!!!!:34:
    Awww, that is very sweet of you to offer, but my mother-in law just gave me her's yesterday! Thank you again for the offer! *hugs*
    Girl! What are you doing? Stop laughing, get off the floor and let's gooooooo!!!!! ;)
    OK, dbee. I am inviting you to come visit. Door is wide open. Please make your self at home...(and it wouldn't at all be possible without your assistance-so thank you GB!)
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