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  • :spy:
    Change of plans. We need to go down to K-ma. Pick me up on the way and there is a pack of gum in it for you. You interested? :p
    Mission Squirrel Recon is underway. :spy:
    I miss u 2! :verysad: I have been pooped these past few days! :( I'll try to get on here more, the boys are wearing me out. LOL I have been trying to find fun things to do for us this Summer so that they wouldn't be bored. I don't know what u did, but I'm going to start looking around now to see what damage u caused! LOL
    OMG, that is too funny. So you actually caught it? But you know, there is always more than one! :(
    Thanks for all the well wishes. I can't eat anymore cake!!! Have had four-with 2 just today. I actually just stopped at the store for potato chips cuz I was craving salt after all the sugar I have been eating. But what a great birthday it has been. Thanks again, dbee!
    I haven't been feeling well, I just ache all over, I am waiting for my fibro meds to kick in at the moment, UGH! LOL, once I get rid of some of this pain I'll b back, LOL, but I haven't been feweling well lately, I guess I haven't been online as much either, well I'll b back
    yeah, I need to spread it around first...hmm, that sounds just wrong...LOL I promise to rep you as soon as I am able, though! :)
    dbee-I made a special album just for you. Go to my page and check it out. Not sure if the pics are gonna show up in reverse order of what I had planned but I hope you have a good laugh-or cry-at the frickin rabbits expense!!!
    THANKS!!! I knew you would come thru for me. I kept thinking, will dbee send me a message??? And, yeah, my GB remembered. You're too sweet!
    Ahh no problem. It's easy. Go to photobucket. Search for whatever. When you click on the image there will be four options for posting on the left. For Spoofee I use "IMG code". You just copy and paste. There is no need to add extra codes to your image. I don't know if you have a MySpace acct, but I use the "HTML code" for that.
    I hope that makes sense. :)
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