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  • dbee, I don't really know you, but I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! :loving:That was a great post in my defense.:clap: You are the best! And you know which post I am referring to.:rant:
    That is too funny. Yes the rain finally stopped but not until my side yards filled up and of course about an inch in the basement. Got really tired of hearing our sump pump running too!!
    Hello! I wish I thought of "4 year stalker" as my username haha. How are you this Monday?
    Thanks for the heads up, dbee, about my message. Found it. That is so easy to do. We all have. Some (me) more than once! :)
    Yeah I sent her a pm. I am not a real "public" type guy with stuff like that. Thanks for the heads up.
    I'm kind of still here butI have on;y checked in a couple of times, to read messages but never check the freebies or make comments. I usually do that at least 1x per day, so I really feel like I'm away!! LOL
    I am having headaches again, had a hospital headache the other night, so anyway I was up after coming home, UGH!
    I will be chasing him in 1 month...he crawls fast :rofl:

    I forgot, again...and had to come back and add this

    Your silly and I cant go find smileys to tell ya how silly you are so you have to use your imagination...cause I would screw it up id I tried to smiley's too much...when I have PMS I cant hold my beer at all...I hate beer anyway but it sunday and I an in oklahoma so thats all I can buy...and when it gets (shhh) close to "that time" its like I get drunk on 4 beers (Ive had at least a 6 pack) and I think I am menopausal (spelled tat wrong) so its always close to "that time {pms})aaaaaaand I havent drank in like a month so I am outta practice...I sure hope the Moral Patrol dont come riding in here on their pulpit and banish me to helllllp....lmao!! psssst I wont be offended if you want to delete this post....I love my beeflowerrosefriend!!
    Thanks for your hello- all's good. The mail could improve of course!!!! Peace out girlie!
    I did forgot something...I was being nice :doh:
    I forgot that you like it when I tell you that you're number 1.


    :first: :clap: :dance:

    Today's Top Poster(s): MadonnaP (14)

    don't hide flowerbee...when I said I gotcha I was just saying something nice, I cant brain right now...had 3 beers...but your still my favorite beeflower...your the bestest!!!11
    Hey, dbee. Rain tomorrow but hoping to get a lot done in the yard Monday and then burn Tuesday. At least that is the plan. What the heck could you be dead heading? I am awaiting the bulbs I planted last year (courtesy of you with that Lowe's Coupon) to show some sign of life but nothing yet. I checked the package that I saved this morning and it said "early spring" so SPRING already!!! Now let me check out if there are any deals...And, yes, I did hear from Rags today-a few times! :)
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