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  • :sad: I'm sorry.
    You have been a busy:willy: around here
    :first: Today's Top Poster(s): dbee (11)

    Reputation: 30237 :woot:

    Yeah I talk to her all the time. Her leg is a little better, she's going to a wound care place for it now.
    LOL!! What a time- I spent sunday at the ER with my 2year old and Mon at the Dr's again with him. He is perfectly fine today- AMAZING!! Thank you for the Birthday wishes!! Hopefully we will get to go out this weekend coming up. :)
    I'm good, how are you? It's not strange, I feel the same way about you. Ok, that doesn't sound good, I mean I feel like we've been friends for a long time. Ok I'm shutting up now :)
    Make sure that you post pictures of your garden once things start looking like plants & flowers.

    Thanks, it really sucked because I had just had surgery and pushing the broom and shop vac wasn't on my list of things to be doing! I hate the fact that the doc cut into a muscle and now I have to watch what I do, or it lets me know!
    Good night sweet :willy:
    go crawl into your hive with your honey :wink:
    just remember who loves you
    .....oh and don't do anything that I wouldn't
    Actually it's filling plus refrreshing and I am too darn cheap to spend too much on food and too darn lazy to brush so they compliment each other well....

    we were in the caribbean for 2 weeks, fla for 2 weeks. My Dh's Uncle asked us to drive his car back to NY so we are taking a week for that. We're in VA now but moving farther North tomorrow. We've had a great time but looking forward to getting home
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