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  • I seriously guessed Locke was in the coffin - only because someone said that nobody showed up to the funeral. He didnt have family and was a loner. However, my second guess was Julia too - how weird! What I keep wondering is how they are going to pull everything together and for it to make sense!
    I thought the finale was good - and as usual "LOST Style" it answered questions and brought up new ones! After every single episode hubby says "I hate this show" only to anticipate the next I was glad that Desmond found Penny and they were all kissy kissy!
    Well today sure was not a great day for a pool party here, how did it go? Did you freeze your tata's off?
    I havent been deleting ANY comments, i see them ALL right where their supposed to :p
    I hope that your rug has time to dry before you have your pool party this weekend. We had lots of lightening and a heavy downpour. I slept like a rock. :) Have a great weekend, I am off to work in a little bit. :wave:
    Oh, the deleted comments were just regular ones --- I didn't see the need to save them. Wish I had better gossip to share --- sorry to be so boring! LOL
    TOTAL jealousy! There was a Spoofee Bungee Rocket at stake!!!
    Glad your back too girl :hug:
    Yes my friend those were the days. We had SO much fun! The night we all stayed up competing for the millionth post or whatever number it was - I giggled the whole time!
    I'm sure that you will still manage to have fun even if the weather is not so warm. :cocktail:
    Well besides for the frost warning this morning, the weather seems nice now. I would imagine that you are having the same $hit that I am. What's new with you? I hope that the rest of the summer is nice, this is crazy :confused:
    Chilly is not the word sister. We froze our buns off! I maintained with blankets, coffee and several dips in the hot tub! When we walked outside the airport here in FL, I was like "Ahhhh....heat" and that was a midnight!
    Want to come visit? There's a nice retirement community nearby. Lots of hottie 845-year olds. :tongue:
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