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  • Identical quadruplets???? I am sure you will be the only one to smell of Cheetos.
    :rofl: Did I ever tell you, that I can eat like a bird and fly like an elephant?
    You are lucky...she was following the trail and was real close.....but she got too full and went back home!
    she is hot on your trail.....a cheeto trail....leading right to your front door.....Mmmmmm.....
    I'll find you my little pretty and your little :dog: too. LOL..................................Chicago :rofl:
    My brother bought me a weather radio and it totally rocks! I set it for my county and two counties I know what is coming.
    You? Start trouble? No, I dont believe that, not at all, huh uh, no way, impossible, not a chance, nope, *shaking head* - not YOU!
    Never in my 20 years of living in Ohio were we under a tornado warning - the first year we lived here we had 3! And this last season one passed over and ripped off some roofs down the road. Hurricanes I can handle - you have advanced notice to prepare or get out of dodge! Now....what are these fibs you are telling dbee about me??? ;)
    Well, I check on here for about a minute most days, but this has been an incredibly busy summer so far. Fun...but busy. Have you FINALLY been able to have some pool days?
    Btw, I just found my thank you card from a while back that I had for you!! I thought I'd sent that. :o I still love my necklace.... ;)
    There is no rubbin in of anything....well, just suntan lotion....LOL!!!!
    Kiddos are great - handle storms just fine. I liked storms til I moved here. Too many tornados in the spring time.........:worry:
    Girl, it is pouring down rain...well it was. Looks like we will be able to bbq at the beach here in a bit, but it has rained all morning. Big storms. Luce was barking and Sadie was scared!lol
    Hi butty :)
    I remember your Picasso avatar. I never did save any of my "works of art" to my computer, so I'm not sure how to save them (sorry).
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