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  • Holy smokes! My bifocals can't even focus with all of these bright colors! Takes me back to the sixties and some "interesting" mushrooms! ROTFLMAO Anyway, thank you for the friend invitation thingy you sent, but, I am not posting or frequenting Spoofee. Check your mail for my private addi! Lots of love to you, Amber, your family, and, the furry babies! Hugs and kisses, Rags and Jeb Stuart
    Well hello yourself, lil' Crazybutt! I was chuckling over the "how do you have kids address adults" thread~it seems all that respect would go out the window if kids had to address you as Ms. CrazyButt!! I feel like our modern day use of user ID's is like the old custom of Indian names, like Stands With Fist or Runs with Buffalo. Iread yours the first time and thought "oh, we would SO be friends!!"

    Have a great weekend!!~Susanne
    :rofl: :rofl: Alright you, stop rubbing it in!! :rant: :p LOL I just got done cleaning the oven and sterilizing baby there, I hope that we are even now!!! :rofl: :rofl:
    :mmph: :rant: But I am jealous, that's one of my favorite things to do!! :p I had fun, we will have to do it more often!! :claps:
    Well, it certainly sounds like you are definitely deserving of sneaking one every now and then. We go to the movies about once a year. lol Ok, maybe twice last year. LOL Seriously.

    I do agree that the ticket prices are insane. Did you see the deal I got on the Hulk tickets? Pretty Lady gave me the rest of her gift card - I bought hubby & Kad's ticket online with a 50 cent fee. And then we bought mine - 6.75 (matinee) so we only spent 7.25 for all three of us.
    My husband would totally do it - I would not. Guilty conscious.....Meijer's, I miss Meijer's..........
    I went back in once to pay for dog treats that had fallen to the bottom of the cart and the lady looked at me really weird bc they were only 97 cents.
    No way! My husband said the same thing after we saw the Hulk. There was like nobody there and I doubt if the staff would have noticed. lol
    Then your Dad is a dork too. LOL Just kiddin! I never realized how much I was like my parents until I had kids. And all those dreadful sayings I hated so much are coming out of my mouth! LOL
    Have you been hanging out with my Dad? He always says that...:rolleyes: Get out of the pool woman! lol
    :secret: Okay, I'm so there and don't worry about me.......won't tell a soul! :peep: :rofl: :rofl:
    I still dont like "Ben" but his sarcastic remarks are hilarious! Yes, I have watched it from episode one, however the week I had Kesler - that episode is a little
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