I have asked his teacher if there was anything she needed or anything I can do. I realize that this woman & her aid "take over" for me during the day & I want them to be able to give him the best of everything. And if she doesnt have things she needs, she cant do it. I know alot of teachers pay out of pocket for things.
But I dont want to be that "hovering mother" either. LOL I dont want them to say "Kara, cut the apron strings already" LOL He hasnt really been away from me until I went to Texas this year, which was probably the best thing for both of us to prepare for school.
I dont think the flooding is going to pass. There were docks yesterday that were already under water. The problem is high tide + storm surge from Ike AND it is forcasted to rain tonight until Sat. :note: Row, row row your boat...:note: