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  • Just read my rep points....Thanks and i agree with you!
    (but you knew that already, didn't you...)
    Happy early Halloween! *see avatar*
    :rofl: I thought you sent a hidden message LOL I'm not liking the cold weather either, but when the leaves start falling-that will be worse. :( It was good to hear from you butty-stay warm :)
    I did two because it took FOREVER!!! And like you, I didnt realize until the 2nd time around that you can adjust at each pic. :doh:
    Choo left some instructs in the thread that might help you. I am still not all pic savvy when it comes to posting, uploading and etc. Plus I have more irons in the fire right now than pokers! Good luck and I cant wait to see them!
    Bad jokes don't bother me at all...when the lights go off at my home and my husband and I are laying there, my mind begins to churn. I am always telling him bad jokes right before we fall asleep. Do you think that's what kills the "mood"??? LOL LOL:rofl::ignore:
    No!!! My daughter was almost 2 weeks late and so I got to choose her birthday! I had a choice between Feb 14th (Valentine's day - which is my dad's b-day) or the 13th...I chose the 13th so that she would have her own special day. I'm not superstitious...unless I have other reasons to be scared of you! :eek:
    I saved my pic on the website - then they sent me an email. I right-clicked and copied the image location, then posted it here using the
    Yes, I noticed you thanked me for the bed set thread - ya booger!
    Of course us thinking alike is a good thing. The saying is "great minds" not crazy minds or insane's all good. :bigok:
    And btw, where have you been missy? Hmmmm????
    Wanna hear something strange? I almost posted the same pic you did in Rockstar's b-day & the first pic in Puggirls. Get out of my head girl! ;)
    Hey chica - what is with the sudden flood of thanks? Were you suddenly feeling thankful for me? :o
    I have asked his teacher if there was anything she needed or anything I can do. I realize that this woman & her aid "take over" for me during the day & I want them to be able to give him the best of everything. And if she doesnt have things she needs, she cant do it. I know alot of teachers pay out of pocket for things.
    But I dont want to be that "hovering mother" either. LOL I dont want them to say "Kara, cut the apron strings already" LOL He hasnt really been away from me until I went to Texas this year, which was probably the best thing for both of us to prepare for school.
    I dont think the flooding is going to pass. There were docks yesterday that were already under water. The problem is high tide + storm surge from Ike AND it is forcasted to rain tonight until Sat. :note: Row, row row your boat...:note:
    He likes it alot. He is always full of chatter when he gets home. I still hate it when I drop him off in the morning, but I am getting things done and it is a little more quieter for Kesler to take naps. lol I kept him home today because he has a bad cough and we are supposed to get coastal flooding tonight so he might not go tomorrow either! :marshmallow: I know he enjoys it and that makes me happy.
    Spiderwoman to you! huh! Yeah, it was great fun. Lymph nodes swollen to size of golf balls for a good 1 1/2 weeks. Malaise. No appetite. Gained 20 pounds (and I'm not completely convinced it was just the very short course of steroids that did that)...I think it screwed with my thyroid. You'd know by now if you were having these after effects. Mine wasn't poisonous either.
    "You're so silly.....I love it. Was that a dig at me morphing into a spider??", but you have given me an idea. heh heh heh I hope your bite didn't get infected like mine did!
    Look at you - up and at'em early today. Of course I was up too yelling "Hurry up Kadin we are running late!" lol These storms keep us on edge. Of course I dont want them to hit here, but then again I dont want them to hit anybody. I just checked the weather and it looks like Ike is going for Texas. I breathed a sigh of relief for New Orleans, and now I am upset for Texas! We need a hurricane fairy to make the hurricanes disappear! POOF!
    awww....thanks Butty :hug: We are safe and sound. I am actually in the panhandle. We are anxiously awaiting to see what Ike is going to do. So far so good! And of course, I will keep you posted! :bigok:
    I cant believe you called me a ..a...its too bad to say!:verysad::verysad::verysad::worry:
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