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  • Would you be mad at me if I give you rep and ruin your 222 that you have going on with your 4444??????????????????
    You arent posting because you have 4444 posts? Are you going to play the lottery? ;)
    He was playing cars!!!! The first few days we were there he called as soon as he got up (and TX is an hour behind) but on that day I looked at the clock and it was 11. I was like, why hasnt he called yet.....We left him my cell phone so the phone bill wouldnt be huge since it was mobile to mobile, but after awhile he was cool. But he always called at bedtime to say goodnight. :like:
    I just asked dbee if she had heard from ya. What's keepin ya busy? Our trip was great, although I missed the boys ALOT. My parents did great with them, and after a few days Kadin didnt call as much - he told me that "he was busy." lol The shopping and laying out by the pool by myself was awesome!!!
    Butty, I couldn't hold out any longer-I lost my 3333:( I'm so addicted to the games :rofl:
    Welcome back! I feel for you being away from the little's. How old is the baby now? Doesn't seem like it's been that long. When my oldest was almost 2 I left him for 4 nights. That was the longest ever until this past February when I had to leave them (6yrs. & 3yrs.) for a week. Sometime in the next month or so I need to go for 2 weeks and it's torture. ironic, while I'm typing this my 3 year old pooped in his undies...maybe 2 weeks won't be that bad!
    I think I should lay low for a while and stay with the 3's! How are you maintaining those 4's? It's hard if you like to play the games :rofl:
    I'm not a member of the fan club. I am too cheap. :p I get all my info from the message board. You can usually find archives and current clips posted there. I did miss loveline when he was on. :ohwell: This is the link to the message board.
    Butty, :convinced: we need to figure out our new plan. :druel: Joyce is around again and we got some hunting to do :)
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