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  • Were getting together around xmas, I hope you don't mind if we meet at your house! :)
    a wet face.....a broken arm....yeah, not so even.....
    I could use a massage - my back and neck have been messed up ever since I had Kes. Blisters..on someone else's feet....yeah, ewwww...
    AND I love it when I leave messages for others on my own page! lol :rolleyes:
    What is crew? It sounds very important! lol I want to be one the helpers that throw water on people as they come by.....I mean give water to people as they come by. :teeth:
    Yeah, I am gonna agree with that...WE ROCK!!! Hope your blisters are better! :hug: What you did was a great thing!
    :claps: That's awesome that you did that! I tired to look for you :spy: I saw it on the news a couple of times.
    :rofl: I see you found my birthday on my page. Good job :claps: How did the 3 day go? :) Thanks for the congrats on the party, I don't know why they chose me, but it sure beats that bzzagent b.s., they never give me any action. :(
    AWESOME! We are so influential......tee hee.....that is a good thing right? :sus:
    Hey your back! I am writing today with the onscreen keyboard, my stupid keyboard went out again. Bluesky has some serious catching up to do! I wonder if the last season is out yet on dvd. I have some catching up to do myself !
    Hey girl! How did the walk go this weekend? I've been thinking about you!
    Btw, I started watching the first season of Lost online recently, and I am now obsessed. Wow. Isn't that one of the shows you liked a lot? I wish I'd been watching from the beginning. Now, it's going to take me forever to catch up! I really, really love it though--not at all what I thought it was!
    :woot: I'm loving it! I'm going to work in the yard, since I got home early from work. :cocktail: Can I pour you a drink????????????:faint:
    I wasn't ignoring you! Taking a weekend trip, are you? Get packin'! (or FINISH packin'!). If you have time, go to the Barilla house party site and see my last was a lame attempt at what I thought was a funny observation. I think I'm alone in my thoughts!
    He really is a cutie isn't he? I found this on the JG message board in the media forum. That is where I find most of the clips and interviews.
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