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  • You are welcome. I am having so much fun tonight on here. It has been a long time since that has happened.....
    OMG - could your pic of Josh in the picture game BE any bigger? :faint:
    I am SO glad you appreciate my drama.....I am SO glad that someone does. lol Think how boring it would be without it! Your lightbulb experience would be so drab! lol
    I am glad you survived too!!! :hug: :hug: Oh the horrors of lightbulb changing :hug: :hug: I hope Amber was not exposed to this situation :hug: :hug:

    I am a little dramatic today.......:o
    Oh my....that sounded like quite the Sorry you had so much trouble!

    Several years ago, there was a burnt out light in the bathroom that I changed and it had the globe where you have to secure all the little screws evenly. Well I guess I didnt get it in evenly because while my roommate was getting ready to take a shower it came crashing down into the sink. She was like "I AM NAKED AND THERE IS GLASS EVERYWHERE!" lol Whoopsie!
    :convinced: LOL not sure I remember what that thing called "sex" is anymore, will have to ask DH to remind me :rofl: Will get back to you when I know more about it LOL. Nope no pizza for me just a daydream right now but maybe this weekend DH will make me one
    I was hoping that with the Saturn party, I would get a car for the weekend or to keep. We could have gone to visit kma. They told when that they weren't giving me a car, so I can't pick you up for the visit :verysad: Sorry!:(
    I just read the article posted by Mr. Spoofee and you are in luck - the :alien:'s are supposed to be in town today! :bigok:
    LOL what you object to a lil wax on your pizza :rofl: I want a pizza so dam bad I even looked at the frozen ones and ewwwww those aren't even pizza! DH makes a pepperoni bbq pizza that is out of this world OMG drooling here. Almost better then sex hmmm somedays better :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
    Buuuuty! Did you send me an email I didn't answer to? If you did, my kids are in big trouble! They are on the computer and use my email address. Maybe it's time I set up their own email address! :hmm:
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