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  • Yes, I got all the new Josh pics off of myspace and saved them onto my computer. I have a folder just for Josh. :teeth: I love his new pictures. He is so cute! Let me know how you like the Christmas CD and when you listen to "I'll be home for Christmas" be prepared and have tissue. :verysad:
    I'm glad you like my new signature. It cracks me up too. LOL
    Have you got Josh's Christmas CD yet?! I pulled it out yesterday and I forgot how much I love that CD!
    Make you feel better? Are you sick? :sick: :hug: I havent done "it" yet, I will have to do "it" next week. Can you hang in that much longer until "it's" done????
    LOL caramel apples but have to slice them in bite size first. Hate to admit this but no front teeth, they broke off last Christmas eating peanut brittle, two did then another broke off in January. Almost have enough on my card to go get them fixed this January I hope it's so dam embarrassing and hate it when I forget and smile at someone.
    His Christmas CD is beautiful! I love his version of "It came upon a Midnight Clear" and "Ava Maria" gives me chills!
    Hey, I didnt win daughter of the year for nothing! I am not sure what "Candies" you are talking about....:hmmmm2:
    Just to let you response to dbee's message down there, I am off of my icing high now.....tee hee
    I think kma is going to do something wild and crazy tomorrow. :woot: Let's find out what it is :secret: She was soooooo silly on her Birthday............:claps:
    What is up sister? Is it snowing there yet? :snow: My parents were getting some flurries and I said.."Ah...the high today will be in the 80's!"
    Sooooo.....did you ever get those coupons I sent you for the free coke zeros? NO????? Oh....that might be because I still have them! :doh: Just found them in a pile of paperwork....WHOOPSIE!!!!!
    ....Oh, but I have always considered us friends anyway, Grasshopper!! (Man! It is waaaay tooo early in the morning for me to be referencing Kung Fu!!)
    Ok, my sugar high is gone and I am ready to crash! Have a good night - ttyl! Sorry I made you nauseous!
    Yeah, the site is slow.....and I am having 4 convos - Joyce and I are also PM-ing! :rofl: It aint the cake sister - I am just that good! ;)
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