Big Daddy
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  • Hug, bum :bootyshake: rush the threads that loom,
    Kill 'em with kindness - poisonous chat room.
    Deadly, when I play a Spoof-melody
    Anything less than the best is a felony.
    Love it or leave it, you better gain way
    Cause somebody's readin' it...who don't play.
    If there is a problem, yo, I'll solve it
    Turn the font to all white...slowly dissolve it...

    ssshhh ssshhhh baby
    ssshhh ssshhh baby
    :note: Yo, Spoofee Friends, Let's kick it!
    Rep Rep Baby, :lock1: Rep Rep Baby
    All right stop, Collaborate and listen
    Rep is back with a brand new invention
    Something they won't notice if you do it right-ly
    Rep your Spoofee friends by huggin' them tightly
    Will it ever stop? Yo I dont think so
    Keep reppin your friends until they say no
    To the extreme rep your friends like a vandal
    Give 'em more points until no more they can handle....:note:
    Can you please delete the In lieu of mlk, thanking you in advance for your immediate attention to this matter.
    Help! I can not receive messages or send messages if they are not on friends/contact list. I have tried using the check on and off. In advanced edit options.
    I learned this year - it is never too early to start planning. I have started a Christmas 2009 file, hubby and I are saving money/loading gift cards and I have already started projects that I didnt get to this year! Your wife would probably understand. lol
    Stopping by to wish you and yours a very "Happy Little Christmas!" Many years ago, Jaunary 5-6 was celebrated as "Christmas of the Animals" and "Little Christmas!" Shoot me thinks it turned into a "Gimme anutter gift" idea! However, Jeb Stuart received a new "Piggy Mushy Belly" toy this morning and he hasn't stopped tearing it up since. Flu season here, and, we are prey, so lots of chicken soup and soda, the occassional piece of coconut cake helps the chest congestion! LOL LOL LOL Be well and hugs to the angels!
    Christmas and New Years was good, busy and tiring. We had our Christmas the Friday before and then flew to OHio on the 24th and flew back home on the 31st and had a get together that night. In those two days I had 6 hours of sleep. The boys opened their big gifts here from us and "Santa" dropped off a few goodies in Ohio. Kad is 4 so he is starting to get into the Santa thing - we left our milk and fun! I cant wait until next year because we are not going ANYWHERE!!!!!
    Hey BD! How was your Christmas and New Years? Did the kids have fun? Did they get anything cool that you like to play with too? lol
    Hi BD, and gorgeous family! The computer is at least playing along with me. I signed back up with the old ISP and after some to doing and to dahing, I got the email system back up and going. Just in time for us to leave tomorrow on vaca for a few days! LOL Isn't that just prime! Jeb stinks like a cheese steak sub with onions, but, I don't have time to bathe him so I will spray him with perfume instead! LMAO Luckily, he will be in the back seat with Don! LMAO Be well, be happy, and, many blessings for you all in 2009! Rags and Stinky Boy Jeb!
    It doesn't even give me a negative option?! It just says approve? I don't really know how they can be negative?
    I don't dislike just hurt my feelings :listen:when you gave me a negitive rep:blushing:
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