Big Daddy
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  • :teeth: I'll try to stop by and leave you a message more often :smiley:

    Now stop your crying :hugs:
    Sounds like a fun evening.

    What I meant was you could have ordered the deal for yourself AND then again with hubby. Although you'd probably be pizza'd out.
    We had frozen pizza! I spent too long debating the offer. :rofl: And I'm working 2nd shift hubby will be left with the problem of what to do! :pound: While eating the pizza, my 6 yr old son bit right into his loose tooth and it started bleeding. He took the pizza out, with pizza sauce/blood everywhere and started screaming. I simply told him it was JUST pizza sauce. phew. geez! Well, the tooth fell out over night and he's happy now (so am I!). I'm sure this never would have happened if we had just ordered the Papa Johns!! :suspicious: What do you mean I could have done both orders????? :mmph: :tongue:
    hide the box? I am perfectly capable of cutting a pizza box into shreds, tying up a garbage bag, and stuffing it into the outside bins. If I have troubles, I'll just leave it in the driveway and let the bears get it. Musta been those messy neighbors, not putting the trash in the can. sigh. :rofl:
    I think you got a better deal because of your name. Papa likes "Big Daddy" but not "Flooby" - :cry: :pound: yeah, now the problem is hubby is working evening shift and wants me to wait til tomorrow to try the deal, so he can enjoy hot pizza too. should I wait? or just chow down with the kiddos and air out the kitchen afterward. hee hee :rofl:
    Did you only have to pay $1.75 for your pizza??? No delivery charge? If I pick up, my minimum order has to be $2.99! I'm still debating on getting one...that's how cheap I am. :rofl:
    I tried today and couldn't get you :sad:

    Come a little closer and I will give you one :wink:
    :sad: I try to :hug: you all the time :teeth:

    But you always run away :bawling:
    its getting cold in these here parts.... cold as in .. less than 65 degrees.... =]
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