Big Daddy
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  • I think the turkey actually gives them energy.....only sleepiness in adults. :noidea: I have everything "mapped" out for the boys, I am hunting down the best bargains and I am doing pretty good....although I forsee in the future as the boys get older and the possibility of more kids getting it done early. I am still caught up in the hussle & bussle whirlwind.......
    So did they sleep all afternoon? ;) I hope you had a good one! Now - let the games begin!
    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :hug: Give the kids lots of turkey so they will sleep alllllll afternoon. ;) Have a great day with your fam BD!
    Actually...i didn't cut and paste.

    I made everyone a special kept me from doing hw. ;)
    For the pictures of the little angels, I have moved your name to first in line for an all expense paid world cruise for eight!! In case, you want to bring along some Grandparents too! LOL Phew, they are growing up so fast, and, look so very signs of anemia to me under the eyes or in the lips/gum line!! Yeah, after all these years, I cannot help but check!! ;)
    You won the Rep Game!! pack of peanuts and two American Ailring first class tickets will arrive in six to eight weeks!! Nite nite! Rags and Jeb who is snoring on my bed
    I see you checked in and gave Preco some love! :bigok: It's nice to know the mods really care.....LOL Hope you had a good weekend!
    Hi BD! Just saw you on someone else page and though..."ya know..I haven't seen him post in a while" I thought I'd check in and say "hello!" I still think that's the sweetest pic ever!
    BD, I feel that you are neglecting your very special social group.....;)
    ...for thanking me on my rant about thanks & thanked.
    I hope you're not losing a step.
    OH MY GOODNESS!!!! The kissin baby pick is just the most adorable!! I remember those baby kisses! Hope this message finds you having an outstanding day! :claps::)
    Thanks BD! You made me smile! ...Oh I just saw that pic again! It just makes my heart roll over. Mine are 6 and 3 now and not always so "sweet" w/each other. But I've got to pull out my pic's now and look at all my old favorites of when they were that age. I have one where my then almost 3 year old is holding his baby brother for the first time in the hospital. There aren't words to describe the smile on his face! Don't they just make you wonder how you existed before they came along?
    Just doing my job to help those of us Spoofeers who need a little guidance every now and then.

    Did you want to join the Wedding Band? I'll put in a good word for you.
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