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  • Happy Sunday, Babs! Was just thinking of you and stopped by to say "hey"! It is raining here for the umpteenth day so no work will get done in the'd think my house would be cleaner~stuck inside all this time~but, alas, it looks like a bomb went off!!! :eek: Hope life is treating you well. Keep smiling!
    You have suffered so long! You are a woman of great strength......and apparently not too bad picking a man either! lol We are doing good. The boys are growing so fast. My oldest is in pre-k and tee ball and my youngest will be 14 months here in a few days. Those two alone keep me busy enough! lol I will keep checking on you.........praying for you to get better soon.....:hugs:
    I just read your post about you being sick.. I am so sorry to hear this! I hope they can figure out why and get you back healthy again! :hugs: Is Choo being good? Is he taking good care of you?
    :itsme: I just stopped by to say :wave: Hello and I hope that you are feeling well. :teeth: :star:
    Hi Babsy! Did you have a good Christmas and New Years? Did Choo tell you I was in your neck of the woods? What was up with all the wind! GEESH! I was like "Auntie Em! Auntie Em!" lol Hope you are doing well!
    Hi, Where do you find all the contests at? I've found some places that list contests but they seem questionable and usually not for sites I've even heard of, so I stay away from those. Thanks for all the heads up on contests by the way.
    :yesnod:I hope you are doing well, it seems like you must...........:eek: because you are around a lot more :teeth:
    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :hug: I hope you are feeling better....I just read where you went to the ER.....drop me a line when you can and you can Choo have a great weekend! :hug:
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