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  • Your little avatar bean is so cute it looks like what Lady Gaga wore to the Grammys. lol
    Early enough? I should have been arrested for being up that early. I had a client's computer that I needed to fix before she showed up to work, though, so I needed to finish the scans I had running.
    oh no! are you puking? if so, and it's similar to what's going around down here, it'll be short-lived. Mine only lasted about 6 hours...the longest I've heard is 2 days. :( Hope you feel better soon. Merry Christmas. :hugs:
    Oh I am sure we will get that...we have got at least 100 each week...Hang in there...I am usually right about these things and my gut tells me we are gonna be ordering a netbook in no time!!
    I hadn't bought a board game in ages so I was checking out all the ones on the coupons today...wowser...most games start around $15 and up...thats just crazy...
    I swear to gawd it was there yesterday or the day was in one of those 4 coupons with all the its I guess I got lucky...I printed off all 4 coupons and it was in one of those I feel stupid that I posted that...saw something about it on a old post on FB and checked it out, had no trouble using the coupon today either...sorry hun...
    I keep going back to that link I posted and it says the "run" was later nicknamed "the Tevis Cup" but before that it was "100-Mile One-Day Ride" I am very uneasy about that one....

    I have been trying to find stuff on # 14 aaaaargh
    Yup feelin better, just need to get my days and nights turned back around...I think #15 is pretty well figured out between our last posts...I was wrong on part of it but you found the rest...need to go searching for # 14...have you got any leads on that one?? After working on 15 I kinda gave it a break...They sure aren't just "giving away" the prizes this time are they?? making us work for it!!
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