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  • Hey, dont worry about the delay. Things are crazy around here! So nice that your parents came for a visit! We are coming up there for Christmas! I wouldnt mind some snow then, you know for the whole "Christmas Mood" but I def do not like sleet. And it has been a few years since I have drove on it.....I hope it is like riding a bike.......Although we are flying, I will just let Mom and Dad drive. lol
    I can only imagine the things Choo does around the house just by what he does here! lol My hubby is the same way - never a dull moment! I have know him for over 18 years and he still keeps me guessing!!! I hope you are having a good week! The parents said they were getting some snow flurries - how about you? :snow: Brrrr!!!!!
    I see you love pink too!! Thanks for all the great post's for the sweepstakes (I love these) I just posted one for Madrid Spain plus $4000 in travelers cheques.

    If you love pink this much check out
    all of your emails can have pink and bouncing icons, change the font's too.
    I love curltz it is so pretty
    Thanks for popping in to wish me a hbday! Did you see the pic your man posted in my thread??? Oh the things you must endure with that;) Keep in touch ok? :hug:
    Hi Babsy!!! Hope you are doing well. I see that DD is terrorizing you again......tisk tisk.....Just wanted to stop and say Hi!
    Hey Babs!! How have you been? Thought I would stop in and check on ya. Choo is such a hunka-hunka burning love in several eras huh? lol The funny thing is, I can totally imagine him in a mullet. LOL I dont know why, but I can. My Mom said yall were having beautiful weather up there lately. I guess I can say that I do miss Ohio in the fall. It is my favorite season. Well I hope you had a great weekend. TTYS!
    :wave: I just wanted to say hello, and I hope that you are feeling good! :hug:
    Hopefully the package will be there one day this week. :worry: My back hurts from time to time from a car accident I was in a few years ago. :( I'm sorry you are having a headache, I hope u feel better soon. :kiss:
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