Would you rather. . . ?

WYR be stranded on a Ferris Wheel at the top or in a small motor boat in the middle of a lake (no, you don't have oars) for 4 hours until help arrived?
As long as the lake is calm, I will take the lake! I can entertain myself for four hours!

Would you rather hitchhike alone to San Francisco, or hitchhike alone to New York City?
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Well, I live in SF (sorta) and I haven't been to NYC in years so... NYC!! :)

WYR visit Africa or Russia?

WYR visit France or Germany?
Vive la France;)

w y r visit Spain or Portugal?
Portugal...no reason, just sounds more exotic.

w y r give up your moblie phone or your computer?

WYR be stood up by some sexy young thing or go on a blind date?

WYR vacation at a mountain chalet or a beachfront home?
Javelin - because I would have a better shot at not killing someone. Who knows what direction the discus would be going in when I stopped spinning. I'd probably fall down from being dizzy and clunk myself in the head.

WYR smell a stranger's armpits or belly button?
ugh! pits I guess....

wyr cry for 3 weeks straight or have your pinky toenails ripped off?
I club my feet into walls so often, I know well the feeling of losing my little toenails...so why not!

WYR be scared by someone popping a balloon behind your head or jumping out from behind a door?
Jumping out from behind a door...:eek:

WYR be puked on or peed on (by a baby, I mean) :teeth:
WYR be puked on or peed on (by a baby, I mean) :teeth:[/QUOTE]

Oh man, I have been puked on and pee peed on wayyyyyy to many times by the little critters!! :teeth: Peed on was a little easier to clean up though.

Would you rather spend a month working in space, or, underwater on the ocean's floor?
space - I'll take the aliens over a shark anyday! (Did I just say that?)
WYR be a famous, beautiful actress/actor or a famous bookwriter?