Would you rather. . . ?

Jellybean that I dropped on the ground

WYR walk up 13 flights of stairs or shovel snow for 2 hours?
13 flights of stairs (may take me awhile tho)

Florida or Hawaii?
W Y R only get two hours of sleep
no sleep at all?
2 hours of sleep

WYR eat a hamburger that is burnt or raw?
GROSS.. A guess a toad, then disinfect my whole face :)

WYR Kiss a dog or cat?
:puck: I guess a cat????????

WYR sing Karaoke or dance at a bar?
good luck kissing the cat by the way...you may need stitches in some cases.
Would you rather puke up a full plate's worth of spaghetti or two full glasses worth of Coca-cola? (note that Coca-cola will travel out your nostrils too. For those of you not familiar with this sensation, please choose wisely)
Neither.........but if I had to choose....the spaghetti.

WYR Skate or Skateboard?

If you had the opportunity to join in a Smithsonian adventure would you rather go to the Amazon Jungles, or, Artic Circle?
Amazon Jungle (can't handle cold anymore)

WYR clean up puke or poop??
poop poop poop - I have a strong gag reflex around human vomit (cat vomit doesn't affect me for some reason)

WYR dine alone or with a friendly stranger (of the same sex and not a weirdo, but you do have to make some sort of conversation during the meal)
A friendly stranger ...
WYR own a cat or dog? (my Pantera! is being a real pain in the butt today...)
I'm so lucky I get to do both:ack:

w y r live w/ 50 cats or 5 guys? ( you have to clean up after both)
5 guys

WYR Streak in a Wal-Mart or Give a Speech in front of 2000 People?
It wouldn't be a pretty site either way.

Hawaii or Florida?
snow ski

WYR wear shorts or wear capri's?