Would you rather. . . ?

I think I will take the clothes and look for Penguins.

At a square dance, you are the caller. What would you rather have happen

a) you forget the words and can't continue the dance
b) belch quietly, but it is while saying doce doe!
Oh, I have noooooooo trouble burping! LOL LOL LOL

Would you rather have a perm go wrong, or, coloring go wrong at the beauty salon?
Coloring go wrong.

Would you rather freeze in a blizzard or stand under the hot, blazing sun in the dessert?
I would take the hot blazing sun in the desert. I hate being :snow:cold

You are off the jail..................would you rather

a) be in solitude for 30 days
b) be butchies girlfriend for 3 days
solitude, thanks....

You're asked to give a speech ... would you rather
A) give the speech even though you'll probably throw up on stage
B) preserve your dignity but insult the host?
I'm always proud to barf in public. :ignore: Did you know in some countries it's actually a compliment?;)

So you are out shopping in the mall. You see a great sale. You reach for the last sweater at the same time as someone else. Do you..........

a) let the other person have it
b) smack the b*tch and take the sweater
I'll have to go with let the other person have it. I actually was in a similar situation recently in a store. I spotted a painting that made me literally stop in my tracks. I have been looking for 4 years to find something to go over my fireplace in the sunroom. It was perfect! Two seconds later, a lady walked up and had a similar reaction. I asked her if she would be too offended if I got it. She replied no, but was a little upset. Luckily, I found out there was another similar one available and found her in the store to tell her. She was happy and snagged the other and thanked me. It felt good

Ok, I'll stop blubbering.

Let's see:
a) break a nail within 20 minutes of having the perfect manicure
b) stub your big toe and have it turn purple for 2 weeks.
:verysad: oh, I'm so pleased you got your painting and so did the other lady. It could have been messy........LOL

I would go for "a" break a nail

while eating a burger you find a worm.......................would you

a) like to find it in the first bite
b) find out after you've finished eating it
Find it in the first bite.

While on a first date...
Run in to the ex who broke your heart
Find out the guy has 3 kids
:rofl:! This is waaayyy too funny ! I married a guy w/ three boys (who also smokes, btw) and all after I said I would NEVER be w/ a guy who has kids or smokes! Funny how life works out...

You're in a bank and you notice that the one that "stole" your lover is in line. At that moment, a thug at the teller decides to rob the bank and takes that rival hostage - do you:

A) Do nothing and leave the person's life in jeopardy or

B) Play the hero and storm the thug, knowing that your rival will probably live happily ever after w/ your ex?
You mean AFTER I stopped laughing?!?!?! Oh okay then...I would probably stand there and do nothing figuring my life is way more important than that witch's!!!

Would you like your Halloween pumpkins up with....

some battery operated light?
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candles for sure

Would you rather
a) find a poisonous snake in your washing machine
b) find a poisonous spider crawling on your leg while you are just waking up in the morning
Snake in my washer...although I hate snakes I could atleast close the lid real quick and run.

Would you rather

A) Get stuck in an elevator with a good looking but very stinky man

B) Get stuck in an elevator with a good smelling but nagging women?
Get stuck in the elevtor with a good smelling but nagging women! I can tune out that, but, STINK IS STINK!!

Would you rather have

fungus feet
pink eye?
coffee for sure

Would you rather
a) lose your top in the shallow end of the swimming pool and have to use both hands to climb out (as the ladder is missing for some strange reason) *note there are about 20 hot guys sitting around the pool who take notice *OR*
b) lose your bottom half of your bathing suit and moon your mother-in-law for 10 seconds before you realize it?
Lose it on front of my mother in law....she was in the delivery room with both of my kids so she has seen more than just a moon :rofl:

Would you rather be forced to eat spiders or cockroaches?

It's guy's night in at your house ( You're the girlfriend) would you rather be forced to watch ( you only have 1 TV) SPORTS OR HUNTING SHOWS
Sports! Hockey or football, for sure!

Would you rather:

Ski Land over water I may freez but I won't end up in the lake!

You find a time machine would you go to the past OR to the future?