Would you rather. . . ?

future - good question_ :)

If you were voting and all the curtains were missing......would you rather

a) hide what you are doing with your body
b) just stand as normal and vote
I would just stand as normal and vote...no big secret in the end.

Would you rather have your appendix surgically removed, or, your gallbladder surgically removed?
My appendix of course! :rofl: I would like nothing better! LOL

Would you rather eat raw beef or drink unpasteurized milk? :doh:
I would eat raw beef!

Would you rather lose an arm or lose a leg?
Oh, how sad a choice...I'd lose a leg. I want to continue being able to hug my kids and enjoy the full sensation using both arms to do this.

Would you rather
a) dye your hair and have it turn red instead of more blonde
b) dye your hair and have it turn out darker than you had planned

note, my hair has quite a bit of red in it now...which was not the intention. where did my blonde go? my husband and friends like it though...I didn't mention I was having it done, so I guess they are valid compliments. ? maybe ?
LOLEvery time I dye my hair it looks red.
Christmas dinner...
Turkey OR Ham
Would I rather eat turkey or ham?
ham I suppose (although neither would be a form of torture or embarrasing).

Would you rather
A) let out a ridiculously loud belch in the middle of a quiet moment at an important banquet OR
B) pass a ridiculously smelly large quantity of gas right when you sit down at your banquet table.
B! And if anybody asks, just blame the person next to me.

Would you rather have green tea ice cream or classic vanilla ice cream?
For some reason you get evicted would you rather...

Move back in w/ your parents
Move into a cheep hotel( AKA run down & in the bad part of town)
mOve back w/ my parents.

Would you rather sit next to a very sick person w/ a contagious disease or sit next to a cadaver?
Been next to both, at least the cadaver doesn't b===h about being dead!! LOL

Would you rather donate blood, or, be a bone marrow donor?
Donate blood
After washing clothes you find paper ...
Would you rather it be a random phone number OR a note saying only "See you this weekend?
LOLI would probably hope for a random number...I usually forget phone numbers anyway, one more would be okay!LOL

Would you rather burn Thanksgiving dinner, or, burn Christmas dinner?
:rofl: I guess chrismas dinner......I'd go straight to gifts :)

If you were driving and got cut off would you

a) toss a finger in the air
b) tail gate the guy who is now in front of you
I rarely get to ticked off, or get my feathers ruffled in a car. Or elsewhere! LOL But I would probably flip them the bird!!

Would you rather take vacation with your mother-in-law, or, your next door neighbor?
I don't even know my neighbor at all but I'd take my chances with them over my mother in law!

Would you rather be bored out of your mind or have way too much to do?
Have to much to do

Would you rarther host Christmas for the WHOLE family ( both sides, all the kids& pets)
Pack up your family & drive 5 hours to your parents?
Neither...but, I would take the drive to the folks house. At least I know my Mom cooks very well! LOL

Would you rather be a stay at home Mom, or, a working Mom? (By the way it is a tough job either way!)
Stay home w/ mom.

Would you rather watch the sunrise or sunset?
Watch the sun set

You have no dish washer...
Wash dishes by hand OR use paper plates