Would you rather. . . ?


Silver Member
Oct 6, 2008
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You are put in a situation and have only 2 choices to make. The two choices are not necessarily desirable (at least not by normal people) but you MUST make a choice. Once you answer, you need to post a new "would you rather" situation for the next person to answer.

It can be serious, funny, gross, etc. . . Like this:

You're on death row and it's your execution day. You get to choose your method of death. Regardless of your choice, the result will be death. Do you choose:
a) Drowning
b) Burned

Or maybe something like this:

You're going to a very important job interview and you're bound to embarrass yourself. If you had to choose one embarrassing thing to happen (which you are unable to correct until after the interview), which would you rather have happen:
a) your flashing your interviewer (women your blouse is unbuttoned, buys your fly is down)
b) you have a huge green bugger hanging from your nose.

Get it? Let's start with the interview question. Would you rather flash your interviewer or have the green bugger hanging from your nose?
I would rather flash

If you were in a room full of people would you rather

a) pass gas loudly
b) sneeze and have your drink come out of your nose

1) bend over and show a plumbers crack?
2) or walk around with mismatched shoes all day long?
Walk around with mismatched shoes...my crack is sacred :rofl:

1. Skydive from and airplane


2. Walk a tightrope 30 ft in the air
just kill me now.
oh, there wasn't a 3rd choice. I'll come back tomorrow when there are choices that are to my liking. :p
Would you rather....

Walk out of a bathroom with toilet paper stuck on your shoe


Be walking and step in chewing gum?
Ummm the chewing gum.

On a windy day:
Wig fly off or
Dress blow up?:eyebrows:
Wig fly off - for sure!

Have big piece of lettuce stuck between your two front teeth which is oh so obvious to others OR
Have runny mascara that makes you look like The Clown.
I think I would go for the lettuce

During a job interview, would you rather

a) have a run in your hose
b) have a bad hair day
Chipped finger nail polish

Would you rather have your check book stolen, or your credit cards stolen? (God forbid that happen to anyone here in any way.)
dirty hands

If you were on a dance floor at a bar, would you rather

a) fall while dancing
b) step on your partners foot,who then falls down

mud, it goes down easier

while drinking at a bar, you get pretty intoxicated.....would you rather

a) sing Karaoke
b) do a line dance
Do a line dance...may be the only time I have flexibilty! LOL

Would you rather discuss politics with a
closed minded know it all
an open minded dolt?
open minded dolt

Walking through a casino, you look down and see a $50 bill. No one sees you pick it up. Do you

a) pocket it
b) give it to the crying kid that is looking for it
pocket it...how old is this kid? Don't you have to be 18 to get into the main gambling area? If the parents snuck the kid in, I'll gladly take their $50 - those morons!

Would you rather fall down 5 steps...sliding on your butt with 20 on-lookers OR
trip three times in a row going down the sidewalk? (note on the sidewalk you don't get hurt by actually falling, but you look like a complete goof)
Either would be detrimental to me! LOL LOL LOL But, Ithink I would rather trip, at least people would think that I had attended a great party!

Would you rather be totally naked on an all nude beach in Jamaica, or, bundled up on an Anartica exploration looking at penguins?