WD 120GB 8MB $79.99, 80GB $59.99 off the shelf, no rebates!


I got mine for 99.99 and a receipt didn't print up at the register... any links to an online printable one or should I go in and ask for one
JustLooking! said:
The price from BB is $99, please correct me if i am wrong

That's what I paid for mine.
Don't for how long it will stay at that price.
The Best Buy that told me on Monday they had 1 of these HDs for $79.99 (no rebates involved) in stock somewhere in the back told me on Wednesday they now had plenty of these drives but the price was the full $179.99 with no rebates. This employee knew nothing about the price being $79.99 2 days earlier. Another Best Buy told me on both days they had none of these drives in stock and the price has always been $179.99.

I don't know what's going on, but it seems the prices change on a whim and some stores don't get any deals at all. You'd think all Best Buys would have the same prices. Is the $79.99 or $99.99 deal at other people's Best Buys still active, or was it only good for a couple days and once they got replenished stock it ended?
Well, I thought the same way as you did Yowza. I had called almost all the best buy in NY and only 2 of those told me they had 120GB @ $80; 120GB $99, while others they don't have such offers at all ..... They are selling at like $139+ with no rebates ........ Well, I really don't know what happen to you guys, maybe you guys are lucky and I am not :( Anyway, I will give up on this deal until someone in NY has post a message here and DID successfully buy the hard drive ..... Anyway, good luck to you guys!!
can somebody scan a copy of their receipt from BB and post it here, so that we could price match it at CC?
JustLooking! said:
can somebody scan a copy of their receipt from BB and post it here, so that we could price match it at CC?

I personally would, but they won't accept it. That's because they say people could have falsified the receipt on their computer. They want the original.
When I went to CC, I went with a copy of the receipt for some reason. They refused it and I had to go home and come back with the original receipt. Actually, they don't like receipt as proof for a pricematch. They want the ad and nothing else. The receipt could be just a one time deal. They pricematch on items that are still selling for an advertised price.

What really made it for me is that I had both receipts from BB and Compusa with me showing $99. Compusa was less b*tchy (still a bit b*tchy) about pricematching. Compusa only complained about the $80 rebate they had on the item and suggested that that was what BB was pricematching with a price break, so everything was equal. Luckily for me, BB had printed a rebate along with the $99 deal. So, I showed it to compusa explaining that BB also had a rebate on the item. Then they agreed on the deal.
can you please post the link for compusa on this item? And we have 30 days, if anyone find any other deal, please let us know so that we could pricematch it.