True or False game

:doh: I can't remember where I was last! :confused: LOL

TNP logged on just a few minutes ago.
LOL True(for the most part anyway--got alot of makeup sleep to do)!! LOL

TNP went somewhere exciting today! :dancing:
Yeah, right, if you call going to the store exciting! LOL

TNP needs to go grocery shopping.
LOL True, I'll go tomorrow if I'm not too busy sleeping! ;) LOL

TNP is going shopping again tomorrow!
LOL LOL Don't worry, I'll wake you up! :horn: :horn: Where is the smiley with drums? :rofl: :rofl:


TNP is going to be :mad: if I blow my :horn: while they are sleeping! :rofl:
LOL :hahaha::horn::clock: :sleep: :eek:

True! :rant: :tongue:

TNP knows better than to blow their horn! :horn: LOL
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:eek: :verysad: That's a big FALSE there, sis!

TNP needs a good beating! :teeth: :tongue:
:sus: so not true

The next person will get a hurt on them.....;)
:doh: :confused: LOL So true!!!

TNP wants to beat up Joyce!!! :tongue:
:claps: True! :teeth:

TNP wonders if Joyce is scared?!? :eek: :verysad: LOL
false....too absent minded to be.....:p

The next person thinks Joyce is in shock right now! :eek:
:eek: True!! LOL

TNP thinks Joyce has walked out on us! :noidea: :tongue: