True or False game



TNP didnt go because I told them the movie already!:convinced:
LOL False, just haven't gotten a chance to go yet! :verysad: :verysad:

TNP thinks that I should go see it right away! :claps:
False:mad: That would ruin it:mad:

TNP is trying to figure out my Scrabble:teeth:
:noidea: False, haven't looked yet! :verysad:

TNP is using really hard words again in the scrabble game! :rant: :cussing: :verysad: LOL

TNP wishes I used baby words like (tuer) LOL?
:rofl: :confused: True :confused: :p

TNP knows that there is no way on earth that I will ever figure out PL's word in the Scrabble game! :eek: :verysad: :confused: LOL
False ( i have faith n u )

TNP has to learn that I am loggin off now. I had a ball, but i gotta get sum sleep.
:hug: :kiss: Thanks PL! :)

:28: False.......just kidding, you get some sleep & pray that I do too! :verysad: LOL

TNP has to get up early. :yawn:

TNP is having 90 degree weather today
LOL LOL Does it really dance better, Rhonda!?


TNP likes to go salsa dancing.
False, but I do enjoy salsa with chips :)

TNP had to turn on the air conditioning today for the first time this year....
False, it's been running for the past few days! :)

TNP has a central air unit.

TNP just got on the computer a few minutes ago