True or False game

Oh, that is so it!! :like: :fish2: :teeth:

TNP likes tunafish. :fish2: (This thread's starting to get a little fishy LOL ....sorry about that)! :ignore: :confused: :o LOL

TNP thinks tonights show are horrible.
True and False-- some good and some bad. :teeth:

TNP has the TV on right now.
:doh: True

TNP is afraid of thunderstorms. :eek:
False! :eek: :verysad: LOL

TNP is scared by their own shadow! :eek:
:spy: False, it follows me everywhere

TNP hardly ever uses a cell phone. :cell:
false, hardly at all

TNP Wonders where all the other players are :(
:( True.......guess they don't like us :(

TNP smokes like a chimney! :eek: LOL
false like a small bar b que with lean meat on it

TNP is about to get asked to dance........:dancing: