True or False game


TNP owns a laptop computer.

TNP wishes that they would have warm weather right now.........
Does today end with the letter y? TRUE

TNP is waiting for a huge delivery of Muffins.

TNP is having a houseparty. :noidea:
False, My first one is coming up (ice road truckers) and it's disappointing :(

TNP has a great big bed....
false, a banana

TNP usually sleeps later
You always have bananas for breakfast, switch it up some! :tongue:


TNP is normally up before 6 a.m.
false.... well.. true LOL i have a 1yr old who likes to wake me up at odd hours does that count as work?

TNP needs a vacation!:amen::dancing:
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:confused: :cocktail: False, I mean True?!?! :eek: :like: :rofl:

TNP wishes they could have a :cocktail: right now! :teeth: :claps: