True or False game


TNP has special plans for this weekend.
False, I don't smoke that stuff anymore!

TNP is going to have to work this weekend.
That depends on what you mean by "work". :teeth: True--I work hard everyday! :proud:

TNP is going to the bank today. :wof:

TNP is :snow: cold this morning.
False...Not today. I'm staying home ALL day!

TNP likes the smell of crayons.

TNP didn't like what they had for dinner.
true (so far......)

TNP will be going outta town this weekend
Will be going out but not really out of town. :teeth:

TNP is an animal lover! :love: :cat: :dog: :slug: :spoofee2: :rofl:
True(well not several--2(dog & cat--the cat was a stray & I felt so sorry for her that I twisted my hubby's arm to let us keep her until we found the owner--but it's very difficult to find the owner when there's no tags and no one claimed her so my wonderful hubby :love: let me keep her! Okay, :focus: :rofl:

TNP had an etch & sketch as a child.