True or False game

True! :cocktail:

TNP has big plans for memorial day weekend.
:cocktail: :cocktail: True--Margaritaville House Party!! :woot: :cocktail:

TNP loves to shop til they drop! :claps:
Half true and half false:rofl: I dance okay, I guess--but I wouldn't call myself a Ginger Rogers or anything! :rofl: :dancing: :crutch: :rofl:

TNP is tired. :yawn:
True--otherwise I would have turned into a :slug: and :alien: :rofl: :rofl:

TNP has to get up early tomorrow.
:rofl: I'd rather skip on both--but I'd go with the :slug: before the :alien: :rofl: :rofl:

TNP is having lots and lots of fun!! :claps: :teeth:
True, you are such a bad influence! LOL I'm eight years old again playing these games! :rofl:

TNP is a kid at heart.
True--we both are!! :claps: :claps: Isn't it fun? LOL

TNP is having a relaxing evening.
True, I did earlier, but it's morning now! :ignore: :rofl:

TNP is :preggers: :ignore:
:doh: I guess it wouldn't hurt to check the time every once in awhile! :clock: :rofl:

False--are you trying to start rumors?!? :p :rofl: :rofl:

TNP ate out last night. :hungry:
:rofl: I sure am! :ignore:

True, we ordered pizza last night after the storms left.

TNP never takes off their wedding rings.
False(I'm afraid I'd wake up my boys) :secret:

TNP is listening to music.
True, it's on low, I'm listening to internet radio. :music:

TNP downloads lots of music.
False--but hubby does!

TNP loves listening to soft rock.