True or False game

Neither...I am adequate. LOL

TNP is going to exercise today.
False! :)

TNP has so many lotions samples that they may never have to buy lotion again ... EVER! LOL
So Very True! LOL

TNP has too many magazine subscriptions!
True! :) The best part is that they were all FREE! :claps:

TNP has a Cosmopolitan subscription.
True and I :love: it! :claps:

TNP is going on a vacation this summer.
Oh, you know that is so TRUE, girl! LOL LOL

TNP has already received their mail.
True ... wheres my beauty box!!!!!!!

TNP needs a nap!
True(maybe I'll fit one in when my baby's taking his nap)! :claps: :sleep:

TNP is going to spend sometime outside today.
false (i wish)

TNP is hoping that TNP will have a better TNP..... LOL

TNP is doing laundry right now