True or False game


TNP hasn't been on Spoofee all day, till now.

TNP has missed me? :teeth: :p LOL (the answer better be True or else....:p)
:hail: True

TNP should have gone to bed hours ago. :yawn:
True(but I'm already sleep deprived--so what does it matter)! :yawn: :p

TNP is tired. :yawn:

TNP has a fast computer.
LOL LOL So Very Very False! :p

TNP wants to throw their computer out the window! :rant:

TNP would like to get another cup of coffee.
False--I'm good for now! :teeth:

TNP has to go potty! LOL LOL
false -did you think that I would admit that?

TNP can hear the shower going?
True(loud & clear)! :teeth:

TNP needs another cup of coffee! :coffee:
True, just grabbed one

TNP had to bring in their flower pots the night before last.
False, it's going to be a beautiful day! :)

TNP is going shopping this weekend.
False (having my gallbladder taken out:( going to be spoiled this weekend waited on hands and feet by all who live here..... LOL)

TNP is still eating breakfast

TNP is creeped out by my "evil eye" ! LOL LOL