This or That?


:marshmallow: or :dancing:
happy, happy, joy, joy :cocktail:

Off the regular menu or special board?
That depends what theyre offering.. I always ask to hear the specials though, cuz you just never know.

Scotch or bourbon?
Sci-Fi. Horror movies so very rarely scare me its pathetic.

reisling or pouilly fuisee?
Oh, man.. Thats a good one!

Deep Sea. As much as I want to know whats out there, I think its more important to know whats down there. We need to understand our world completely before we go screwing up other ones.

Art or science?
Paint it! more funner :)

Fall Out Boy or Panic At The Disco
land line.......not a cell fan...

good or bad cell reception at your home?
good cell reception

old comedy shows or new comedy shows

sunrise or sunset
sunset, not a morning person, never been...:sleep:

energy - early daytime or nighttime?