This or That?

Neither...don't like the reality shows and horror movies scare me.

tipping or no tipping?
honestly? depends on if they can keep my drink refilled!!, and if I can get service w/ a smile

doritos or fritos?
Reg in Pepsi, diet in Coke - prefer diet

*Thanks Joyce - I'm working on it*

Lemon or naked? (your soda)
Lemon!!..I think I'm addicted to them because I put them in all my drinks!!

Email or Postal Mail?
It really depends what it

email or telephone?
Telephone...I love to hear people's voices.

have to have or live without
have to have

red choclate or pink chocolate
Mmmmm, eclairs... I loves me some eclair.

Blueberries or Raspberries?
(Im trying to decide which bush to plant)
oooh, tough one.. watermelon. fresh from a washtub full of icewater.

almonds or olives?
olives, they're so much more versatile

Olives: black or green?