The Closer Series House Party--Sign Up

They are saying the demand is strong, however it seems like they are pleading for people to sign up.....

I was thinking the same thing, Jenn. LOL

Hopefully they'll make the announcement soon.
nothig yet for me
anyone hear anything?
We'll notify you on or about Monday, November 12th 2007 to let you know if you've been selected to host the THE CLOSER House Party.
What's up with that, why do they keep changing the date? :spy:
last i heard it was supposed to be noon today? oh well i guess we wait
they aren't gettin enough just give em to the people who applied....right?!
Knowing how close they cut the date for the Foster's Imaginary Friends Party with regard to shipping out our boxes~this one is shaping up to be bigger chaos. The party is slated to be held before December 3rd I believe because the actual of the show will be on televison 12/3, they have now pushed the selection date off until Nov 12th and throw in the Thanksgiving holiday and shipping could be craaaazy!!

Hope we all get in and that it all goes more smoothly than I fear!!!LOL
wooohooo I got in they sent my invite today....OK joking just had to get ya all going my bad but hey it was kinda funny right?
I would guess nothing will happen until around noon!:convinced:
I'm waiting too. Hope i get this one, missed out on the last two..:(
I'm tired of waiting! The waiting on pins and needles is killing me! I WANT TO KNOW!!!
I had a friend sigh up today and it said tuesday Nov.13 around noon. I will :verysad: if I don't get this... I love the closer.
I know nothing about the Closer, all I watch around here is spongebob or dora, I applied anyway, watch me get in, LOL! I haven't heard anything either...